withdrawing an offer on Equator

I was working a short sale on Equator, (WFB) and the buyer walked, before we submitted the SS Affidavit and some other docs requested.  I have sent message after message, including directly via email and thru the Equator system that this deal is no longer but I keep getting overdue task notices.

Now I have a new offer to submit and can't for the life of me figure out how to do it.  I tried to initiate a new short sale and got no where.

In the meantime my sellers have gotten (several) notices of the initial foreclosure hearing scheduled for early February.  Any suggestions on how to get thru to them?  

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  • Just resubmit the 2nd offer as new.
  • I'm in the same situation now! Been calling as Bryant suggested, but no progress. I keep getting the task for "is closing on schedule" for the old offer. Did you have any luck with this?

  • You need to call. Use the direct line to the negotiator as listed in the contact info and then call the call center if that doesn't work or you get a voice mail.

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