The bank approved the price to sell the home but Housten we have a problem. My client is not married, bought the home with her then boyfriend. Boyfriend was abusive so a judge granted an exparte and told him he had to quit claim deed the home. (Boyfriend also a cop). bank says boyfriend has to reverse the qiut claim deed and sign the documents to participate in short sale or have a court order saying the property debt belongs soley to my client because "there is NO divorce Decree".

Problem: Court Ordered document like this does not exist!

Client will be back in danger, boyfriend can not be located. First I was told this is a HUD guideline, I told negotiator I would go to HUD. Now it changed to it is an Internal Guideline from Wells Fargo.

I do not know what to do.

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  • I had a similar situation with a Regions Bank short sale, the abusive ex was no where to be found.  The seller had to sign an affidavit that stated the ex's whereabouts were unknown.    Do you have anything at all from the courts or the judge to back up your claim?  Approach the judge and ask for something in writing

    Escalate this up the ladder at Wells until you get someone with some knowledge of similar situations.

    • I have the old exparte, I have the quit claim deed dated around the same time. Maybe they will accept and affidavit. 

      • Laurie:  What happened in your situation?  I am the buyer in a very similar situation... the Seller is trying to do what is right with the home, but the boyfriend is long gone. WF actually told her to get the QCD before she lost contact... she did... but at the last hour they are saying they won't accept it.  Help?  Ideas for what happened in your case?

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