Working with Wells Fargo on a short sale.  Previously  had an approval but buyer backed out.  Brought another offer the same terms and conditions with a price of $73,000, seller forgiven debt and released.  They took long time saying problems and backed up, now things are better. They come back with a counter of $89,000 with seller paying $7800.  We did a CMA and counter for $78,000.  CMA on high side came in at $79,000.  WF says buyer can pay for appraisal but we are declining for too low offer.

Who do I contact to get something done.  Seller concerned that will foreclose, no date set but filed.  Is there someone who has authority and common sense?

Thanks for your input.

Ruth Jacobs

Quantum One Realty

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  • Interesting, I got an Equator message on one transaction, "they are backed up" offers considered first come first served,

    and on another, wanting a seller contribution.  Also seen a post complaining about one of the "same processor" whom I also found "nuts" Any more feedback on Wells lately?

    • My previous transaction with WF was good.  It is only this time that there doesn't seem to be any common sense or reality in negotiating the short sale.  The negotiator may not respond and if she does it may be a week or so.  Would love to find who I could contact that could do something for solving the short sale delima 

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