I am the seller's agent and after doing 3 HUD-1 with the sales contract price of $265,000 I got a 4th HUD-1 and the sales contract price has been reduced to $215,000 - anyone ever heard of this happening?  I have tried since June 22nd to get my negotiator to call me, e-mail me - just clarify this as a truth or an error to no avail.  Each day I call and no answer.  I have tried to escalate this file and they won't let me!  Any suggestions?

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  • LOL...never had that happen.  So long as there are no tax ramifications or deficiency pursuits, TAKE THE DEAL. 

    So nuts.

    • This is very interesting! Sounds like a typo!

      Wells has been crazy lately, I actually got an Equator message from the processor, that they are "swamped" and on another file, the processor seemed to have no clue what he was doing. I like the old fashion approval letters!

      Please keep us posted!

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