Hi all,

Thanks to all of you who have responded to my original post. I just want to let you know the outcome:

We have successfully completed the transaction and now closed, funded, and recorded. What happened is that both agents (The seller and the buyer's) took a hit in paying off part of the judgment, due to the fact that this was an FHA loan, and it did not allow for the buyer (us) to have any additional expense added on to the loan. We could not and would not wanted to pay the seller's judgment, anyway. But given that this could have gone to foreclosure, and no one would have gotten anything out of this long and hard battle to get this property, (As I mentioned, it has been in the works for over six months) this seemed like a reasonable way to go. The collection agency that was owed played hardball and would not release the judgment unless a large part of it was paid for. After the agen'ts portion, the seller still have a portion of the judment on their record, and still owe the balance, but the property was released from the lien.


I am just really happy that our agent and the seller's agent saw that this was the only way  hat the sale could go forward, so they did what was required. Thanks again, and good luck to all in your future endeavors.










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  • Happy to hear it all worked out and you were able to close on your new house. Congrats!

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