Update Hubzo

Update: Hubzo We had to increase out offer to meet the reserve. We were the only,bidder. The auction ended Thursday night and we have not heard a word or email. My realtor talked to Hubzo before she put the bid in. We were told that we could included on the Hud the pipes that were stolen and Ocwen would approve up to 10% on closing costs. So now it's Sunday and we have no contact. Does anyone know how long it takes for them to respond. We met the reserve price and no one else bid. What happens now. Getting frustrated. We are at almost 6 months.

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  • The file will need to continue being reviewed, but you are pretty much in the door. Now they just need to cross their T's and dot their i's with all the paperwork. It may still be a few weeks before you get to closing.




    • Thanks Brett.
      Now we are waiting on the bank to approve the Hud1 with the plumbing on it. The Hud 1 was submitted the week before last and now still no word. The lawyer on it for the sellers hasn't repsonded to my realtor in a few days. Hopefully we hear something soon. Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.
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