I was wondering if any of you are using 3rd party negotiators for your listings? What are your typical fees being paid. Are you letting go of some percentage of your apples? Or is a buyer paying for some apples?
I was wondering if any of you are using 3rd party negotiators for your listings? What are your typical fees being paid. Are you letting go of some percentage of your apples? Or is a buyer paying for some apples?
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Here in UT you can find attorneys to do it for as low as $700 per file, but most good third party negotiators (mainly attorneys) charge 1%. You can either offer 2.5% as BAC or pay the fee out of your own pocket. It all depends on the file you have and most importantly who you have negotiating it, if its not you.
Personally I take most of the files, especially HAFA ones.
I am finding that in several of my files, particularly non GEC investors refuse to pay for 3rd parties no matter how high you go up the ladder. That being said i've only had the energy and patience to try it on a few files. I have better luck have my licensed TC do 99% of the calling. She does it for $800 for one lien and $1200 for two or more. I of course being a control freak end up doing half of it anyway just to make sure its done right.
If you want to get a third party involved make sure they have some good software that lets everyone be informed. Trent Chapman at Short Sale Genius has probably the best I've seen and works well if you carry more than a few files
Best of luck to you!
You have to keep in perspective that 5-10 years ago, Realtors had no idea how to negotiate short sales and it was "other" companies that did this job. Lawyers mortgage brokers, title companies, etc., did this work...not Realtors.
I get that it's not for everyone. It's definitely a niche market.
BTW, just to be clear, I am NOT against 3rd party negotiators, I have never needed one or have not seen the need for one in the future, it is just a business decision to use one or not. If I found the need for one, if I did more short sales, I would probably hire someone in house to work on my team as a negotiator or short sale specialist. Probably the control freak in me to not want to take the chance of handing someones financial future off to someone outside of my reach.
Jeff Payne said:
I dont think it has anything to do with that in my area, there is way too much to choose from, too many listings on the market as a short sale so the buyer doesnt have to pay anyone to negotiate for them. The listing agent took the listing knowing that they could not or would not work the short sale, then in my opinion the listing agent should pay for the services that are benefiting the listing agent. There is a reason that most lenders wont pay for third party negotiators anymore, what is that reason?
Smitty said:
linda uribe said:
"The List Agent is the key to a successful closing and if they are farming out their work, you'd better be really SURE that that negotiation company can manage and close a short sale. "
Well said Kimberley!!!!! and to the point...
Let's not forget Linda's selling agent! They are an angel... to give up money to make it work for obviously a great buyer who appreciates thier agent's efforts!
Thank you for the feed backs.
I offered the sellers agent to assist him with the short sale( I used to work for citi as a Asset manger in the short sale dept) but because of conflicts of interest and I do not have a real estate license, I was not able to do so.
I dont think the buyer or buyers agent should pay for a 3rd party fees. Especially if the sellers agent does not want to handle or do not have the knowledge to negotiate the short sale with the banks. I understand that the sellers probably do not have the money to pay for the fees, if an agent hires somebody else to do their work, it should come out of their commission not the buyers or buyers agent.
Sellers are the only ones that should be hiring a 3rd party. (although we've been hired by the buyers) Most sellers don't have the excess income which is why charging the buyer works. It works all around as most selling lenders aren't paying 3rd party fees.
As a 3rd party negotiator, I've never struggled to get a buyer. On the contrary, most of our properties are under contract in 30 days or less. Any 3rd party that is struggling to get offers, is not working well with their listing agents. Listing agents should NOT be overpricing property. If the property is priced right, it will get an offer.
Smitty said: