Just have what seems like a simple problem but it isn't getting resolved.  I have a first with Wells Fargo and a small second with e*Trade which is serviced by PNC.  The short sale approval letter from Wells Fargo states that they will pay e*Trade $2,000.  However the short sale approval letter for the second is from Consumer Services a dept of PNC - not e*Trade.  Title company says that the short sale approval letter for the second must be in the same name as the company receiving the $2,000 or else we need a letter stating that PNC /Consumer Services services e*Trade.  PNC says that they have no such letter although in their emails they say that they service e*Trade.  Has anyone had this issue with a title company.  I have forwarded the PNC emails to title.  Their concern is that they want to make sure that they are paying the correct entity since they are insuring the title.

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  • It's pretty rare for Wells Fargo or any Servicer for that matter to reference the actual name of the subordinate Lien-holder's) in an Approval Letter they are allocating funds to.  Go back to Wells Fargo and request a change.

    How do they know Wells Fargo is the correct entity for that matter?

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