2. We include cover pages over each item (not sure if this helps, but I assume so)
3. Number each page and Loan Number on Each page
4. Anticipate documents the lender will need and get them before the negotiator asks
5. Ensure signatures and dates are on every line that they are required. No sense in causing a couple day delay or longer just because of a missing date.
I have found that an extra 30 minutes of preparation of a short sale submission will save days if not weeks of delay once it gets to the lender.
Agreed with Jason. Also always be sure to use Lender/Investor specific forms.
For a Listing Agent / Negotiator
1. Every item is complete and the most current.
2. We include cover pages over each item (not sure if this helps, but I assume so)
3. Number each page and Loan Number on Each page
4. Anticipate documents the lender will need and get them before the negotiator asks
5. Ensure signatures and dates are on every line that they are required. No sense in causing a couple day delay or longer just because of a missing date.
I have found that an extra 30 minutes of preparation of a short sale submission will save days if not weeks of delay once it gets to the lender.
Jason Jerzewski