First loan, B of A , second Green Tree.
I uploaded an offer 2 weeks ago. I am well aware that B of A will flag this offer for HAFA, (which they did). I called Green Tree to make sure they participate w/ HAFA, which they don't. So I called B of A and told them that second is not participant, therefore we can't do a HAFA. B of A then told homeowner to call and opt out on HAFA. 2 weeks gone by without a word about appraisal. So I called this morning and was told it is being handled by UTLS (this is the first time I heard about them). I called UTLS and found out that they have the file as HAFA as Bof A sent the file over to them. I told UTLS that seller opted out of HAFA, she said, okay, I will have to decline. About 1 minute later I called the BAC short sale department, and the guy said, " I don't see your offer", it was shut down, your file was declined. "Do you have an offer?" If you have, " You have to start all over".
Is there another way out but really start all over? How could this get so screwed up, when I was watching it from day one. In a matter of 1 minute the lady from UTLS is making my day miserable already.
HI Dieter,
Yes, my seller called to opt out. And in the remarks when I initiated the short sale, I made it clear that seller opted out of HAFA as the second lien holder is not a participant. I know if I don't mention it, they will flag it as this is owner occupied and principal residence for seller. And the generic message followed, that it will be on valuation and appraisal in 7-10 business days.
I followed up why we did not get any phone call regarding appraisal, and that's when I found out they moved the file to UTLS under HAFA anyway. The lady at UTLS looking at the file told me, Oh, it says here that seller opted out of HAFA. They knew it when they got the file and let it sit there. And she says okay, I have to decline the file. And everything deleted from her fingertip. So screwy. After uploading everything yesterday, it is back as a normal short sale and I got a very nice guy working on it to compensate for the lost days.
Rule of thumb with every single HAFA flagged short sale in equator: the file will be send to UTLS and your seller does have to call them directly to decline HAFA if they don't want it or if they don't qualify for any of the various reasons. What this means to you as the agent is that you will have to have the file declined/removed and initiate it again without the HAFA code on it so it can be processed as a regular short sale. This happens on every single file so you will always have to catch it and make sure no time is wasted. There are equator steps that after completing numerous short sales you'll be able to remember by heart.
Hi Ifeta,
Well, after the fiasco yesterday, this morning I got a very nice phone call from a negotiator assigned to this file. He has escalated and is moving forward with the appraisal and review.