And you are surprised? A small lender probably lent their own money. If they show too many bad loans on their FDIC call sheet, the Feds will shut them down and seize their assets, so they almost never will agree to a short sale or if they do, they want a huge promissory note.
We never got any further than me gathering your typical document & getting the listing agreement together. When I called the lender to see what else was needed, he said it was a waste of time because they would not accept a short sale.
It's a company out of MD called Capital Financial Exchange, LLC. The loan was with another small portfolio lender & my client received a notice stating the loan had been sold - to the same owner...different company!!! I got the listing 2 weeks ago and we could never make contact with the company. It seems like a one-man-show. Finally today I called him & he said they will not do a short sale. They want the full balance or they will just foreclose. I asked him why he would want less money & he is adamant that he will not accept a short sale. My client has never received monthly
mortgage statements nor has she ever had the payments she missed be reported to any credit bureaus.
Who is this lender? Did they tell you why they denied the Short Sale? Short Sales are complex, please provide more details so you can get better answers.
Try a deed in lieu
And you are surprised? A small lender probably lent their own money. If they show too many bad loans on their FDIC call sheet, the Feds will shut them down and seize their assets, so they almost never will agree to a short sale or if they do, they want a huge promissory note.
Move on to another listing. Lenders have zero obligation to do a short sale. The seller should seek legal advice
mortgage statements nor has she ever had the payments she missed be reported to any credit bureaus.
Who is this lender? Did they tell you why they denied the Short Sale? Short Sales are complex, please provide more details so you can get better answers.