Short Sale vs. Foreclosure Option

My husband and I have to sell our condo on SS because it has no elevator and he has a physical disability and can no longer climb the stairs easily. We began the SS process for our condo in June with my real estate agent and we found a buyer. When our lender Carrington got involved, we had to go through the Waterfall process to get approved for SS. Carrington denied our SS stating that I had no financial hardship, no default in payments and my FICO score was too high and they later said FHA denied our variance exemption request. They basically said I needed to leave the condo and rent elsewhere to illustrate our hardship of having to pay to live elsewhere (basically going into foreclosure) or we could contact FHA to see if they will reconsider our variance exemption request. I contacted FHA last week and spoke to a rep and she said they never received a variance request from Carrington. She reviewed my case online and said she would "escalate my ticket to HUD for their review and that I would hear back from them in 1-2 business days". I called back last night to FHA as I had not yet anything. My husband feels we should stop paying the mortgage and continue to move out in a couple of months for his health sake and to save our funds to move. Can someone please shed light on this phase of the SS process? Do we really have to go into foreclosure to be deemed a financial hardship before we can be considered for this SS? We have investors waiting to buy our property at SS but things are really stalled.....Thanks.

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  • I'd open up a ticket with NOVAD and deal with the HUD specialist prior to making any rash decisions.


    • Thanks Brett. I did communicate with my ticket manager at HUD yesterday (Ms. Chandler) and she indicated that she would consult with her supervisor on this as well as request from Carrington the Variance Exception documentation to determine how they reached their decision. She added that there may be a resolution by the end of the week if Carrington forwarded documents back to her office this week. I appreciate your feedback.


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