I want to personally thank Bryant and Wendy for having the very best short sale site available! The insight and knowledge that we get from this site is priceless. How could it get any better?
I will tell you how!
Please see the Short Sale Training on the home page. Short Sale Superstars is teaming up with the premier short sale trainers and agents in the country. Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver from Group 46:10 are great friends of mine and two people that I owe a debt of gratitude for everything that I have learned from them over the years. These guys are short sale pioneers!
No matter your experience level, you owe it to yourselves and your customers to attend any training that you can with Fred and Kevin!
Thanks again to Wendy and Bryant and all of the short sale superstars for making this the best site for short sale information and training.
Kevin L Kauffman said: