Am I alone on this?

I want to be able to easily create short sale packages.  Each page should be a fill-able form.  I want to auto-populate data like the loan number for them then email the entire package to the client.

I currently do this by editing the files in WORD, doing a mail merge to get the user's data in the document, and then saving it as a PDF.   However, this doesn't allow users to fill out forms because the form fields are lost in the conversion to PDF.  I also can't include stamps to show the seller where to sign or fill-out items.

I've decided to try creating each package entirely in Acrobat.  I'm going to create each form with standard naming conventions so that once merged the data will populate throughout the form (Examples: Loan Number, Name, Address).

I'll also add "stamps" so that the users know where to sign, and hopefully those stamps won't print when they try to print it.

Does anybody use this, or some other method to create digital packages? these days with the amount of paperwork homeowners must sign, this seems like a wise solution.

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  • We have been doing this for years.  We used Acrobat and have on line, formatted PDF docs.

    • In Acrobat you can sign the documents too.  All you have to do is create a STAMP out of your signature and paste it in the PDF.  I dont like people extracting my signature so after I do this I will print it as an image file PDF to protect it.

      I think i still like the control of having it all locally on my computer in PDF format.

  • I also use Short Sale Commander software program- is a dream and saves me so much time preparing short sale packages to the bank.  They also include in their data base library each banks's short sale packages. They have auto fillable forms as well.

    You can upload your own documents into the database. When you send your package to the bank, it auto populates the loan numbers and property name on the header of each document. You can set up a virtual fax so that you can fax your documents in PDF within the software program. I can be on an island and fax from my computer and have access to all my documents online within the system. Like a drop box.

    I don't mind paying for the monthly fee, it is worth it to me.

    check it out: they have a free trial.

  • I love docusign.  But do you also use it to get electronic signatures on short sales?  And if so, do you get push-back from the banks wanting wet signatures?

  • The easiest way is to use docusign. I use this all of my short sale listing packages. Just create a template. Add yourself as a signer so you can use data fields for address, price and any other areas you need to complete before you send.

    Send me an email to and I'd be happy to send you a package so you can see how it works.

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