Short sale on a second home with PMI

Second Home & PMI...


I have a short sale in Equator and GMAC is the lender.  It is a second home and has PMI.  My negotiator said he has to request the seller come to the closing table with $2,000 and that the PMI company may ask for much more than that and ask them to sign a promissory note.  Can anyone shed some light on this?  Thanks.

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  • And try to find out who the PMI company is. I had one with Suntrust and Genworth was the PMI company. I was able to deal with them directly and my client did not have to cntribute any money or sign a note.  I had one with Radian and they wanted a $75,000 note from a homeowner who made $900 per month (In Southern California).  It's always nice to be able to go to the source when necessary.
  • It depends on the MI company.  Sometimes they insist on the seller paying, since the seller owes the money...  Ask.

    Diane Rogers said:

    Thanks Frank & Jeff.  Maybe this is a silly question...  Can the buyer come up with some or all of the funds on behalf for the seller??  My clients are saying they have "no money..."

  • Diane,

    I can't speak for GMAC or BOA but Indy Mac allowed the buyer to contribute some money, so I think it's possible. 

  • Thanks Frank & Jeff.  Maybe this is a silly question...  Can the buyer come up with some or all of the funds on behalf for the seller??  My clients are saying they have "no money..."

  • The PMI companies are tough to deal with.  They have to pay a claim and want to recoup as much as they can.  If you can get it done for $2000, you are doing great!   Most likely you can settle with a promissory note

  • I had  the same sceniro with BOA on a second home with PMI and received full deficeincy waiver with $5,000 cash contribution.......

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