Since 2007, I have embraced the short sale client - having gone through the process myself. Each year I have increased SS closings significantly. In 2007, as the banks created a process, I managed to close 8. In 2008, I closed 15. In 2009, I closed, 28, In 2010, I started receiving SS referrals from local attorneys. That year, I closed 35 but my listings were of more expensive homes so my income went way up with less stress. Not only were the listings better, the clients were more cooperative and informed! I almost doubled my income. In 2011, I should have closed more but buyers were getting turned down in underwriting, so I ended up working the same listings twice. One was three times. I closed 32 listings but again income was up. This year, I am working with a licensed assistant and have a goal of over 10 million in closing. I am in Florida across from NASA where lay offs hit the area hard. Homes sell for low 50's to a few over 300. With my reputation and success in SS, I have taking more listings in areas of more expensive properties. Just listed and put into a contract a 500K ocean front condo, so I am feeling pretty good about 2012.

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