Hello All,

Great forum and thanks to all. 

One week prior to foreclosure got a short sale submitted to BOA thru equator.  Might say a VERY GOOD offer!  One the phone for hours trying to get sale postponed.  Did not happen. Proscessor at BOA claim it as FanMae that said not. Spoke with supervisor and he agreed it is a good offer and would make another request postone.

Sale happened yesterday. Bidding to to $150k and BOA was still high bidder. So lender won the auction.  Property does not go to BOA until a deed is prepared and Judge signs it. Normally 3-6 weeks.

It would be best for the lender, seller, buyer and community if this short sale could be approved and have a transaction from seller to buyer and not going REO route.

Anyone hear of this happening?  and if so any suggestion as to whom you have to speak with at BOA?

at BOA

South Carolina is a judical state.

Have a Great Day!

Gary G

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