
  • Yes, much experience with Ocwen. With the right contacts at Ocwen they are relatively easy to work with.


  • Yes.  Ocwen is doable fairly easy for us, only stay on them because they will linger and linger so that by the time you have an agreed upon price the valuation will expire and then they will order a new one and increase your purchase price because they are so slow.

    Shellpoint is awful in my experience.  Our AG's office in our state got personally involved in their sales because the counter offers were ridiculous.  Like double what their OWN valuation was. They will always try to get away with a drive by so push to get an interior valuation.  IMO they are super shady and seem to just want their investor to foreclose and take a loss.

    • I spoke to a rep few days ago, I had to be aggressive to get info out of her. The reply she gave me was a little surprising "How can we order an appraisal for all our short sales?"

      Anyways, I'm ordering my own appraisal & engineer to do a full report, you think it's worth it or waste of time, money & energy?  


      • You should be able to get shellpoint to order an interior bpo.  We did, otherwise you will get a drive by with them. 

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