
  • Typical for Nationstar Mortgage, LLC. They are not in the business to help you, only to enrich themselves. If you read any of their Pooling and Servicing Agreements you will see how they make more money when a loan is in default. The longer that they can keep that status going the better it is for THEM. Never mind anyone else. I know you are keeping good records. Report them to the appropriate agency for your state. 

  • CCrrrrrrrraaaaaaap!!!  My 1st Horizon file just got sent to Nationstar..,.,.the DAY AFTER I got the short sale approval!!  Allegedly taking Nationstar FOURTEEN BUSINESS DAYS to get the file uploaded into their system.  Allegedly, Nationstar will pick up where 1st Horizon left off.


    • Oh boy are you in for an unpleasant ride. Keep good records and report Nationstar to the appropriate authority in your state. Copy Nationstar. That usually gets some action.

  • Found out that the Nationsatr person after send the wrong file..didn't corrrect the error and when she did she only emaile the docs to mi...she was told to use the Equator system and her response was I do notr have time for that.
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