There is a company that is based out of Georgia, that seems to be offering a Sale Lease Back.  It seems they try to get the loan moved off the property.  Not a short sale, but actually expunged.  Not sure how they do it or even if they are successful.  I was wondering if you all have heard of this company.  There also seems to be some kind of MLM component. So before you say, that I am promoting, I am not.  There also seems to be a lot of bad press about, this company online scam rooms.  I do not take much stock into it. 

Tell me your thoughts.

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  • To add to The wise Smitty it's also a marketing tool. Think about it, they make this claim, say in the small print "must qualify" and if it's not in the batch of notes they have or can get access to they say sorry........but....we may still be able to short it!!
  • the only way they could do it is if they purchase the note.  It could be a group of investors that buy the note like  That's the only way they could do a lease back and deal with getting rid of the bad note off the books.  Once they own the note, they set the rules.  The problem is you can't just BUY any note out there or everyone would be doing it and larger lenders like BOA, WF, etc., don't just sell one offs, they sell in bulk pools, usually to hedge funds.

  • As the old saying goes.... "...if it sounds too good to be true, it is....."

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