In case you missed the it..this is a repeat...I am hoping to hear from someone who has any advice on this subject.  I have an approved Seterus short sale on my own home.  We are closing in 2 weeks.  I am in the process of packing.  When I came home last week I found my front door lock changed and my fridge cleaned out.  OH, and did I add that the Brinks safe bolted to the floor of my closet was pried open and all my valuables stolen and other closets and drawers pilfered..Safeguard said to call the police and get a police report.  I did all that and now I have to send Safeguard an itemized list of what is missing....anybody out there had a similar experience?...curious to know what outcome to expect.  I feel that when Safeguard entered the home they should have called Seterus and told them that the property does not look abandoned???  Seterus customer service calls me on my cell once a week to confirm that my contact and other data has not changed??  where is the screw up here???    P.S.  crime lab found no fingerprints??

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  • I would suggest that you make an additional police report regarding the changed locks. While a bank has the right to protect their interest in property it has no right to allow its agents to enter an occupied property or change locks. THis is criminal tresspass and malicious mischief.

    Once they gaines entry any indication of occupation (such as fresh foods in the refrigerator and other indicatios of occupancy, mail on teh ocunter etc) they should have INSTANTLY left a note that they made a mistakle and relocked the doors and left it alone.

    Another issue is that by entering the property the company became liable for any and all theft and damage to the property.

    Sue the agent of the bank that entered, be sure and file criminal tresspass complaint against them. Make sure to sue for all contents damage and everything ele, food etc.  Name it all.  Name the bank as well. File immediately. 

    This is illegal, unethical and criminal behaviour by the bank through thier agent. Both are responsible.

    Don't wait. Dont take "NO" from the police regarding the complaint It was and is criminal for them to enter an occupied premise, no less that if you were a landlord and went in and changed locks on a tenant!

    Go for it.

  • You are absolutely correct, they shouldn't be changing locks on obviously occupied properties.  As for the quality of the subcontracotr, the theft says it all.  These "preservation" companies work on a spread between what the bank pays them, and what they have to pay their subs, with multiple layers each taking a cut between them and the guy actually doing the work.  The guy doing the work is the cheapest guy they could find.  Any regular thief wears gloves.

    You don't necessarily get what you pay for, but you Always pay for what you get.

  • Yes, go to the local pawn shops and you will find your missing safe items.  Then call the police and have them come to the pawn shop.  

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