I'm a 3rd party negotiator and I've been working on a HAFA short sale since August, 2012, when I jumped in.  File is Bank of America being handled by REDC.  It's been one issue after another - the lack of communication and gross mismanagement is astounding.  There is no accountability.  

The file has been closed out multiple times - each with a blatant lie as to why.  The last time file was closed was because the contract had not been received within time frame.  Of course, the contract was received - actually had been received multiple times.  Luckily, I have copies of all messages in Equator, both received and sent, for my files - since they DELETE messages in Equator so that they can deny or continue to lie about what has transpired.  But, without accountability, what is the point.

File has been reopened in Equator yet again and it's been in "offer review"  since last month.  After 5 requests for status, I just received a message with what I need to list the property at...? What about the offer?  

Escalating through Equator has been ineffective - I've sent messages to management over the past 4 months and not received even one response from any of them.  The attorney in my office has become involved, and he also has great difficulty reaching or speaking to anyone.

I realize that a short sale is a privilege and not a right.  That being said, does anyone know of a government agency that can be contacted regarding business practices?  Aren't there laws that protect consumers or at least establish standards?  I don't yet have a Twitter account, thinking perhaps it is time.

If anyone has any insight as to how I can bypass REDC and get to someone who can make a decision, your help is very much appreciated.  Thank you.


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  • The Twitter team has helped me every time. That's how I'd proceed.  Filing complaints with FDIC/OCC can't hurt, but it won't get you what you need most, immediate results.

  • I understand you so much... going through the same issue now. I have a negotiator that makes me feel like I have to walk on eggshells for.. I just complained about this issue on Twitter... Hope it helps. Comes to show there is really NO HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS AFTER ALL ... LAME!!!

  • There are lessons to be learned from these experiences! Posting on Twitter for BoA does help, contacting the office of the president, documenting your progress (or lack of!), etc. I'm not sure that complaining to the BBB will do anything, as someone suggested. You're better off filing a complaint with the state's attorney office and OCC. However, these actions may not push your short sale forward...I'm sure plenty of people are filing similar complaints. In my opinion, the office of the president should be able to re-direct your file so that it is internally worked, rather than having one of their vendors work the file...which is probably your best bet. I'd be happy to provide you the necessary contact information for the office of the president.

  • Contact the Presidential Department at Bank of America. That's the highest escalation department you can go to. Message me for contact information. 

    • Thank you Uilani,


  • Write to the top executive Barbara Desoer  at barbara.j.desoer@bankofamerica.com  and then  cc michael.drawdy@bankofamerica.com  a SVP. and T.J. Crowford. Senior Vice President, Media Relations at Bank of America
    tj.crawford@bankofamerica.com. Allow me to suggest to explain them very briefly what you went through. Afterwards, ask Barbara to please assign you one person in the OOP (office of the President) to assist you if she would.


    • Thanks Angel...you know this requires so much time on our end just to follow up on their lack of service and they wear you down.  I appreciate it and will make the attempt because as of now it was turned over to Greentree and I am afraid we may have to start at square one...

      • Grrrrrrrrrr...... Greentree now uh.  Going by e-mail it's much faster at least for me. This is their e-mail; shortsalearm@gt-cs.com   My suggestion will be as soon as you have a negotiator then please very kindly ask his/her supervisor name and request to be transferred. Once there, explain the situation to the Mrg. and deal with that Mrg only. I had some Greentree negotiators playing the run around with me before. Therefore, I've rather go to the point. 

        Hope the best.

      • i find the best strategy is to tweet the B of A media team. You get to the Office of the President just the same as weiting Barbara Desoer and faster. Tell them how poorly REDC has mismanaged the file and get the file to an escalation specialist.
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