really would like opinions PLEASE

I have spent to weeks e~mailing and calling my realtor with no response. Finally yesterday I get a response by e~mail just to find out tha they have moved their office and did not even bother to send out an email to tell me and they have been having "phone problems" abd their internet network was not set up yet. I am trying to get a hold of them because 12/5 is the short sale approval deadline on our contract to buy our home and we have not heard anything from the altor in a while. Her last comment was "I will call you when something happens", that I took as don't call me I'll call you. Well yesterday afternoon she finally tells me that she will have to file an extension on the contract and I had to tell herthe exeration date and to basicqally hurry up. At which point I got no return email response. Now, I know that the appraisa was completed on Oct 22 and the bank told the realtor the apraisal was in their system on the 12th of Nov and under review. I kno bank of america has a bad rep and I expected delays but I don't iknow how to feel anbout what feels like the nonchelantness of my realtor or if by timewise anyone feels like something should be progressing by now or she should have already filed the extension or what is going on. Extra info: the house is aBOA either usda or fh short sale. I have heard both and cannot get that clearified. 1 loan no seconds. Was purchaes in 2007 for 110k my offer is 56k and I have a completely pre approved usda lone through the wells fargo priority buyer program. We signed the intial contract aug 7th and it was send to boa the same day.

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  • Thank you everyone. Kristy, the issue with the insurance is due to the age of the home originally and the type of roof. The home has been completely remodeled. I did finally find a carrier. Just will cost about 600/yr more than we expected.
    Caro, my agent is also the listing agent. When we saw the house we went straight to her office. Thanks also for the idea of where we are in the process. We did sign for no other offers to be taken on the home so we have the only offer. We were the 2nd people to bid but were told the 1st couple could not get financing. The realtor relisted the house on Friday, we were in her office Monday Morning asking about it, signed the contract on Wednesday. We are hanging in there. My husband really wants this house.
    Thank you against will be surf to post when I finally hear something.
  • SS Buyer - Here are a couple of questions for you.  Is your Agent also the Listing Agent?  Or is there a listing agent and your agent?  If your agent is only representing you, the buyer it is difficult for her to give you any direct information because she is getting it second hand from the listing agent.  As the listing agent, I always tell the buyers agent if the buyer EVER needs to speak to me directly or on a 3 way call to reassure them of the progress and where we are in the process... Call me.  A listing agent on a SS really WANTS YOU TO STAY.  The last thing a listing agent on a SS wants to hear is that the Buyer Walked!   And remember... you get further with Sugar than you do with Salt.  Your agent, the sellers agent and all transaction coordinators/assistants will be more likely to give you info and keep you in the loop if you are pleasant.  Even if you have to Scream your head off... AFTER you hang up the phone.  

    The total time for a B of A SS from Offer submission (if the sellers qualify) to closing can vary from 100 days to 120.  So if you have been on it since August and your offer was the first one submitted with the homeowners short sale packet, you should be getting an Approval soon.  (BTW... the approval date you and your agent put on your offer is between you and the homeowner/seller.  The banks do not work on that date.  If you choose to cancel and walk it is your choice).   If you really like the house and the listing agent can provide you a copy of the most recent Equator notes (minus any confidential information) then it may be worth hanging in there.   (Very typical scenario with B of A short sales is the first buyer gets tired of waiting 3-5 months so they cancel, the Approval letter comes in 5-20 days later and the new buyer jumps on board, gets re-approved in 20 days and closes on the home. )    All we can do is recommend.  The final decision is up to you But I suggest you ask your agent to let you speak to the listing agent for some reassurance.  If you cannot reach your agent by phone, go to the office for a nice, friendly discussion.  Sugar!!!           

  • Thanks wendy, unfortunately our agent is the broker at hr office. I went to her because she was recommended as the best aentin town! Now each time I speak with her assistant, because it is almost impossible to ge her, I get the brush off. I just want so bad to be done with this transaction. I wish I had any idea of how much longer this will take. I do not want to fire her now and try to start over. She is great until the 1 time you do not agree with her or have a problem with something. I guess she thought that I would just sit on the sidelines for months and be quiet but that is not my style and I told her that from the begining. I askedhr about theappraisal she quickly snaps we don't get boas appraisal they will either approve or deny your ofer. I don't know, that is why I ask. I asked a friend in the insurance businessto do a quick scan early to get an idea of what my insurance would be. She barked at me about dropping my contract if I wasn't happy and she would stop working on it all because I told her my friend said I would have a hard time finding insurance on the house. She said it must have been becaue I told them there was something wrng with the house. But whe we were looking for a house and when we 1st signed the contract wewere very happy with her. Any ideas of how much longer I will have to bite my tounge before ll this is over and we can finally buy our house...
    • Bear in mind, your realtor doesn't know how much longer it will take, either.  If the insurance issue is due to work that will be repaired, then it might be best to wait until repaired until working to get the property insured.  Your agent should know which damages could be a deal breaker.  Many short sale lenders' volume have increased due to the push of Sellers to close before the end of the year - taxes.  I am sorry to hear that you are having problems making contact with your realtor.  Technology is great, but not perfect.  Hopefully, her office will have the e-mail working better soon.  Hang in there.  :  )

  • Short Sale Buyer - There is no excuse for your agent to not return calls or emails for weeks. It sounds like more than just phone problems at her office.  You should have a heart-to-heart and ask her why there was no response from multiple attempts. It could simply be an email  issue (believe me - with GoDaddy and other email servers - it does happen). If she doesn't respond and give you an explanation, contact her broker.

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