There's a 1st (Chase) and a 2nd (Key Bank) on the property. The sellers filed Chapter 11 (reorganization). Per court order, the seller's plan was confirmed. Chase filed for relief from stay and it was granted so they chose to move forward with foreclose rather than receive a settlement under the plan. We are currently in short sale negotiations with Chase.

Regarding Key Bank, once the plan was accepted, Key Bank’s lien on the property became a General Unsecured Claim, which is no longer secured by property of the estate. I understand this to mean that the property is free and clear of all claims and interests of creditors (except for the Chase loan which we are working on). Key is insisting that we either submit a short sale package for approval (not necessary because they are receiving funds through the bankruptcy court and they agreed to this) or submit documentation that the bankruptcy has been discharged. This also is not an option since the court won’t grant a discharge until all payments have been made under the plan and it could be years before that happens.

How do I proceed? Key has made 2 very unreasonable requests that are holding up the process. Can I just move forward with short sale negotiations with Chase and more or less ignore Key Bank? Since their lien is now unsecured, it seems to me that there is nothing further to negotiate with Key Bank. Help!


Thank you!

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  • Check with the Title Company - ONLY THEY will be able to determine if the transaction can close without Key Bank's release.  They are the company who is going to insure the title going forward.


    Good Luck !


    Thom Colby


    Newport Beach CA

  • Thanks Dieter. It seems that way to me too.
  • First consult with the attorney in charge of the Bankruptcy to make sure there is nothing Key Bank can do to hinder the closing of this short sale. I am almost 100% sure that there is no need to negotiate anything at all with the 2nd lien holder as there is no lien to remove from the property. Your title company will make sure that there is only one lien to re-convey at the time of closing and they are the insurance policy against any future claims once it closes. Again consult with the attorney but I think you are clear to negotiate only with Chase.
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