I have a future client that is trying to handle his retention of his home thru OCWEN's program.

He said he worked out a 700 dollar reduced payment 3 months ago & they are now sending him statements with 3-400 dollars worth of fees/junk on them so the reduced payment is going up every month. After 4 months it is up to $1100. The original deal was for a 1 year term at $700 per month.

What is going on?  

Is this normal for OCWEN?

I've never dealt with them before.  Does anyone have any insight or a number of a person that might have some authority to stop this wrecked agreement?

Who would be the best person to talk to. pls?



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  • Thanks Bryant I'll double check. I already asked him if that was the case & he said it wasn't but maybe I'll get the doc myself to verify. It's hard because I don't actually represent him yet. He was in the middle of his own "fight" with them when he approached me. So, I was trying to let him get to a place before I really talked him into letting me take over.
    THX so much!
  • Mary, My guess is that the answers to your questions are in the modification agreement that the borrower would have signed when the payments were reduced.
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