Offer is in & TSD is 6/21/12. Offer is declined, but never communicated. BPO is $70k over,which was done 1 month before offer submitted, but never communicated. What the heck is going on. Ocwen off shore negotiators are rude, interruptive,& firm on the postponement of TSD, that's their policy. Is that legal. Their file management is causing a foreclosure, that should be a successful short sale. Any one I can talk to at Ocwen that is in the US, not India? I need a miracle. Thank you. Bob

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  • I am on hold with Ocwen right now, scouring this forum for the exact question, as requested above, anyone in the  US that can work on ss escalation. I have a hard time with the india accents!!! And to discuss the US Federal bankruptcy Court just seems very awkward. This has been my longest short sale of all time! 

    I did write down all the emails in the other posts for escalation so i will reach out to all of them! 

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