got conditional approval letter dated 3/11 good for 30 days as long as we did all that Hubzu crap which we did; on 3/12, foreclosure notice set for 3/28 - Ocwen will NOT stop the foreclosure saying it's too late when our letter clearly states NO foreclosure for 30 day period; I've emailed and called ombudsman and escalation etc ... I need someone in the UNITED STATES who can help stop a foreclosure at OCWEN based on a letter that says exactly that is what they will do ... have Congressional office AND CFPB working on it as well but am running out of time; any special contacts at OCWEN??

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  • Who is the investor of the loan?  If it's Freddie I have a good contact for you that should be able to stop it immediately. 

    Google Bill or Will Erby - I believe he is CEO and see if you can get his email and when you email him, cc your attorney general.

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