Ocwen typically doesn't request special verbiage to the sales contracts to my understanding in regards to cancellation. If verbiage is requested to be added by the negotiator then you could draw up an addendum to present down the line.
Pam Shirk > Jonathan KatzSeptember 17, 2014 at 1:45am
Hi Brett,
I was able to get ahold of someone form Ocwen and this is what they told me to add:
The seller's obligation to perform on this contract is subject to the rights of the Mortgage Insurer [if any] and the Mortgage Holder, relating to the conveyance of the property.
Ocwen typically doesn't request special verbiage to the sales contracts to my understanding in regards to cancellation. If verbiage is requested to be added by the negotiator then you could draw up an addendum to present down the line.
Hi Brett,
I was able to get ahold of someone form Ocwen and this is what they told me to add:
The seller's obligation to perform on this contract is subject to the rights of the Mortgage Insurer [if any] and the Mortgage Holder, relating to the conveyance of the property.
I needed this verbiage too from Ocwen. Thanks for posting it.