I have a 92 year old seller who is now in the hospital. He has a reverse mortgage. I've submitted all docs to NOVAD who was to forward to HUD for approval. Initially NOVAD said it would take approximately 2 weeks to get approval. We are closing in on 4 weeks and still no response. As I stated my seller client is now in the hospital and we are getting concerned about his health. Does anyone know of a way I can get this escalated to someone other than the person who submitted the file to HUD? 

Thanks in advance, 

Lili Youngblood 

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  • Novad took one year with calling three times per week. They rarely even answered the phone! They are the worst. You have to keep on them. Good luck.

  • Short sales aren't quick unfortunately. If you can get it approved within a month or two consider it a blessing as that's faster than most. Hopefully a manager or your rep can push it through quickly for you and your client.

    Best of luck,




    • I realize it is a very short process. Its been 15 weeks since I submitted the original contract to NOVAD with endless revisions to the CD. My contact from NOVAD finally responded today and said that HUD denied the short sale which now requires another revision to the CD. I'm hoping once they receive the next revision based on their terms that they will approve the short sale but that it won't take another 4 weeks to hear back. The sellers health is not good and this can be a huge game changer if something happens. 

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