I have a short sale that is supposed to close this week. The contract was written with Mom & Dad and daughter as buyers. Apparently now the daughter does not need Mom & Dad to co-sign - she is doing the loan on her own. I JUST learned this on Friday via the Title Officer. (thankfully!) 

Title alerted me and said we would most likely need a new letter with ONLY daughters name on approval letter. She wasn't sure - but was 'pretty sure' - to cover them - as they need approval letter with same buyers that are going on the deed. 

I have requested - via Equator  - a new approval letter due to this - and asked if we can also request it when we submit for final HUD approval. 

Anyone know if A) I do truly need a new approval letter? (One out of the 3 original buyers is actually going to be on the deed) and 2) - how difficult will it be to get this letter? 


Any thoughts are appreciated. 



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