First time using equator. We are representing the Seller in this transaction & we are currently in the "Document Collection" process. On the "Submit new offer" page, part of the required information is the buyer's first 5 digits of their social security number & their birthday.
We've requested this information from the buyers agent but they have refused to give it to us because, "they do not feel comfortable giving their personal data to the seller's mortgage holder".
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this? Have you come across this objection before?
Thanks in advance for the advice.
-J. Anaya
What worked for me 123 45
In the event there are two buyers use the same for both.
I seem to always play devils advocate :) THis information is not anything that is sensitive, what can some one do with 5 digits of the SSN and who cares about the birthday... The buyer not giving this information is a red flag for several reasons. First is that their agent does not have any control over the buyer because if they did, you would easily get the information. Second goes right along withthe first, the buyers agent most likely does not understand the process and has not educated the buyer. These are the types of short sales that usually end up not closing because the buyer does not understand because the buyers agent does not understand either.
Just keep in constant contact with the BA to make sure that they know where you are in the process and make sure they are communicating it with the buyer.
BTW, Jim is correct, the numbers can be manipulated and are really not necessary to have them correct