I have a 1st with Nationstar (Fannie) and a 2nd with a Schools (local credit union). They are both requesting the approval letter from the other before they submit the package. I contacted Fannie who directed me back to Nationstar. Nationastar will not sign a HUD, the negotiator did me a verbal amount on the contribution they can give the2nd. And the 2nd will not take a verbal. Any suggestions?
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Same thing here with BOA and Chase.
Why is the 2nd telling you that they need the approval 1st?
By speaking to Fannie, does that mean you opened a case with Homepath? Also, have you escalated to any higher up level contacts at Nationstar? Can you get something in writing from nationstar? I see a few ways how this could potentially be solved with what Kevin said being one of them. It's rare that I see this issue being unresolvable.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me as my door is always open.
Thank you so much. I have escalated this with nationstar. And I they are not willing to put anything in writing. I have not opened a case.... Though I will. Thanks again.
Try to get both parties speaking with each other.
Thanks so much I will try that.