Situation: My seller was approved for HAFA with buyer #1 on her short sale.

Buyer #1 walked a week before B of A approved short sale (with $3,000 HAFA) for $165,000.Tired of waiting.

Buyer #2 was slid in with an offer of $150,000 & walked 2 weeks later. (Investor found something better)

Buyer #3 submitted. $167,000 cash.

Received counter today for $168,000 but no HAFA. B of A says HAFA approval expired & cannot approve now. Buyer says OK to the $168,000 but seller wants (& needs) the HAFA assistance to move. She is elderly & has no other means to move.

How can I get B of A to approve (re-approve) the HAFA for my seller? Anyone?

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  • Thanks Bryant..

  • HAFA has an expiration date. Once it goes by the seller is out of luck. However there are several programs with BofA where they pay incentives. Just ask. Tell them you need $3,000 for the seller and then place it on the HUD.

    You can also escalate:


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