The Results Are In! Sneak Peek to Insider Marketing Secrets of Successful Real Estate Agents! Here’s How They’re Doing It!

Ok, the results of our Real Estate Marketing research is in!!! As you may already know, a successful Real Estate business can, and should, incorporate a marketing plan to generate Seller Leads. And those real estate agents that do have a marketing plan, all have common marketing activities on which they capitalize. The main thing they have in common is, a VERY SPECIFIC and CONSISTENT marketing campaign working day-after-day, month-after-month, and year-after-year. And we’re going to show you how they do it, and how you can do the same.

Granison Shines

During this webinar, Granison Shines – CMO of Direct Business Marketing, is going to tell you what these successful Real Estate Agents are doing for marketing in order to generate Seller Leads. He’s going to make it so plain, so that all you have to do is mimic their successful marketing activities and start generating leads. Honestly, the only reason you wouldn’t get a return on your marketing investment (ROI) is if you have absolutely no follow-up skills at all – LOL just kidding!!! Other than that, this marketing campaign simply works!

Join us on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, for an informative webinar on what Real Estate Agents are doing across the country to generate, as much as, 64 leads in a day – INSTANTLY setting them on the path for white-hot lead generation success!


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