I am a buyer with approved short sale and currently in Escrow. Our agent is a dual agent for us and the seller. He is helpful and things are going smooth.

But I still want to know if there is anything to watch while dealing with a dual agency. Me and the agent has sent all the documents necessary to my lender for loan approval.

Please explain any details I should know that could be serious later in the process.

thank you guys,

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  • What questions in particular do you have?
    What stage of the short sale are you in?
    Has the short sale been approved by the bank?

    Many of the escrow questions are easy to answer

    • Hi Jeff,

      I don't know the steps in the process clearly. Right now I am working with my lender closely to get the final loan approval. appraisal done. If you can list actions that are needed to be done or looked for by a buyer, it would be great.


      • @ Moe, if your lender is ordering your appraisal and getting final loan approval, that means you are getting close.  Can't imagine anything from this point that you could not feel secure talking to your agent about.  Depending on what state you are in, your agent may or may not be a dual agent, in Florida we are transaction brokers.  

        Your lender should be able to guide you thru the loan process easily and the closing agent can walk you thru closing.   Your agent has little to do at this point...

        • @Jeff, Who will be the closing agent?

  • This is why as a buyer you should have your own agent representation.  Is there are reason you did not have your own agent?  If you are under contract with an agent, we are unable to advise you.  You may want to have everything reviewed by an attorney.  That's the only thing I can suggest.

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