I live in the very small town of Harrodsburg Ky.   There is a beautiful property for sale 4368 Lexington Rd, Harrodsburg, Ky.   The home is a short sale by Ocwen.  I hear that Ocwen is unresponsive and thus the realtors hands are tied.  Any advice on how to deal with Ocwen?

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  • Starting here is your first best step...in the search box on this thread type in OCWEN to pull up all the old posts that are incredibly informative.

    The consistent theme I have found in frustration is the belief that the call center in India is valid. Virtually every complaint is that the Ocwen Indian call center never gives u the same person twice, many people cannot understand the accents and they ask for the same info over and over yet never go anywhere with it and they keep realtors on phone hold forever w/o resolution.

    The first sign of progress we had (I'm the buyer) is when the seller realized the complaints here supported what she was experiencing, she called the bank herself and got another number to call. Almost immediately the realtor was assigned a negotiator and things began to progress each week.

    One realtor here said every call she made to OCWEN she followed up on two days later and asked if they received the fax and did they need anything else.

    Your best bet is to send your realtor here, it's taken 5 mo for me to get a closing date and I truly believe this website was the difference. The first 3 months were wasted calling India.

    Good Luck!!
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