Marketing to those in Bankruptcy

Recently received an "educational" offer from a real estate guru. It was on marketing to those in bankruptcy that have a foreclosure in process. In listening to a webinar I gleaned from them some interesting thoughts. Bankruptcy merely stalls the foreclosure process. Typically the lender will get the property removed from the bankruptcy or the bankruptcy will be dismissed. But in either case the property drops from sight while this is happening. Anyone here marketing to bankrupcty persons who own real estate? If so how? Would love to see some discussion on this. Steele

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  • Steele,

    I think that's a tough one. So many people, by the time they've gotten to bankruptcy, are so beaten and tired that they just want to give it back and not think or worry about it anymore. The clients I've had have been told by their bankruptcy attorneys that they shouldn't care what happens to the house.

    Let us know if you pursue it and how it goes...

  • Hi Steele, I am not. But if I were I would solicit the bankruptcy Attorneys. Get a few attorneys willing to work with you and you could create a steady stream of business. Works great for probate and divorce as well. Folks going through these difficult times need trusted agents to at least get the selling of the real estate off their plate.
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