Logistic Hardship

My client is being transfered, but it is only 32 miles to the new location.  Has anyone ever had any luck getting a Hardship approved for that short a distance?  It's not so much the distance as it is the travel time due to traffic.  The commute will be approximately an hour plus.  Also, her kids school is 15 minutes in the opposite direction.  Any ideas?





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  • I've had one approved with the commute as part of the hardship. (30 miles but time was doubled) There is more than one hardship here......commute time, family hardship, extra expenses (gas, day care).

    Do the paperwork! It's worth a go.

  • I had a similar situation.  I think it was about 45 miles.  Normal travel time went from 30 minutes at old job to 1.5 hours at new job.  Luckily I am in Minnesota and there was a massive snow storm right about when the negotiator and I started talking.  I let him know that his commute last night was 3.5 hours.  He approved the deal!

  • I closed a short sale with this being the hardship just a few months ago.  His commute was just about the same distance and same amount of time; he did explain in terms of time not miles in the hardship letter.  He also explained how difficult it was on his family life and how it was affecting his marriage and his health.  We got it approved and were able to close the transaction. 

  • For most major cities, 32 miles and one hour is just a normal commute for many.  This sounds like more of an inconvenience than a true "hardship".

  • You may not get HAFA but as for the relocation, this should not be a major issue. I would need to know a little more information. Feel free to email me. Thanks!

    Best of Luck!

    Carmine R Biello Jr.

  • Have her explain it in terms of time, not miles. Just like you said :)
    • Thanks Wendy,

      Have you seen a circumstance where that actually worked or would it be a longshot?

      • I don't see why it wouldn't work. It's a job transfer, and  has a commuting hardship....    I don't think it would be a longshot... 

        • I'm just concerned about putting my client through all the papaer work and process, only to find out it won't work out.  I have read several times about a 100 mile requirement for job transfers.


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