Litton Loan Debacle

I just had to share my experience today with everyone as it was the most unusual to date in my time working short sales. I got a call today from Marcus From Litton Loans. He confirmed my name and the property address and all the formalities that they normally do when they call. So I then ask him how I could help him. He replies, well I can't tell you that because I don't see an authorization letter in the system for you. I replied that I had sent it in at least 4 times to date and that we were due to close on this property this coming monday so obviously there was one on file for us to have taken the transaction this far. So I then asked him what department he was calling from and again he replied, I'm sorry, I cannot tell you that. Ok, what's your last name.. I'm sorry I cannot tell you that.. Ok, well once more, what can I do for you then because you called ME!!! I'm sorry sir, I'll need you to fax me an authorization letter for me to tell you that. I told him to simply call our negotiator or closer with Litton and verify my information while I was on the phone.. I'm sorry sir, I'm at a different location so I can't do that.. So finally, I just told him I could not help him and that I was not going to fax him anything and hung up.. 

Has anyone else had any similar experiences to this because this was just WEIRD!!!



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  • Who knows... nothing surprises me with the banks!!
  • I think is was a fradulant caller trying to get the sellers private information. You were wise to say what you said!
  • WoW! if approved I wouldn't worry about much of anything at this point. If not approved you should randomly call in or better yet have the seller/client call in to see what the problem is and verify that they do have your authorization on file. I ilke to randomly hang up and call back and get someone else to verify information then I document who told me what and the time so when I call again, I can refer back to my call log. Geesh, what a waste of time is correct!!
  • Nothing surprises me any more.  What a waste of a few minutes!!
  • Probably marcus brown. :-)
  • I'm sorry sir, I'm in AZ and cannot tell you that.
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