they claim to need to pay out bonuses to be able to retain talent. Can you believe they actually believe they have good people running these companies? They were proud to say that they beleive they wont cost the taxpayers as much as predicted, ONLY 124 BILLION compared to $150 BILLION.
Yeah, I heard them testifying in front of the committee. Tons of people would get up a there a lie before the committee for that kind of money. No offense but, you could drag homeless off the street with no experience, put him in a suit and tie and they'll give them the same answer. They'll do it for a lot cheaper. A bottle of liquor.
I can't believe they expect the average citizen to buy this. It seems like everybody's on the take. I know congress is worthless but somebody needs to put a stop to all this pocket stuffing activity.
they claim to need to pay out bonuses to be able to retain talent. Can you believe they actually believe they have good people running these companies? They were proud to say that they beleive they wont cost the taxpayers as much as predicted, ONLY 124 BILLION compared to $150 BILLION.
Yeah, I heard them testifying in front of the committee. Tons of people would get up a there a lie before the committee for that kind of money. No offense but, you could drag homeless off the street with no experience, put him in a suit and tie and they'll give them the same answer. They'll do it for a lot cheaper. A bottle of liquor.
I can't believe they expect the average citizen to buy this. It seems like everybody's on the take. I know congress is worthless but somebody needs to put a stop to all this pocket stuffing activity.