I qualify in every way for a short sale... that's not the question.

Here are the numbers for what I owe the banks:

BOA 1st - $147,000

CHASE HELOC 2nd - $55,000


I have had 2 buyers in the past 18 months. The first was purchasing for $145,000 (and I did the short-sale through HAFA) and now the second buyer and current buyer has offered $140,000 (and I'm NOT going through HAFA because I was told by Chase that it was the HAFA guidelines that was keeping BOA from being able to offer Chase $6000). BOA always approves, and then they offer CHASE only $3000 to settle, and Chase never approves. I'm in the middle of Chase denying the 2nd buyer (it's not official yet - we're just getting the run-around at this point). BOA has even negotiated a settlement to pay off my condo association dues.

MY QUESTION: Since BOA is almost getting the entire amount they are owed, is it BOA that is being greedy (and making NO BUSINESS SENSE) by not giving Chase the $6000 they are requesting? Or is it CHASE who (based on a lot of forums I've read here) is always offered $3000 as the 2nd lienholder, that is being difficult??? Neither are making any wise business sense, as I have lived rent-free for the past 2 years and BOA has already started foreclosure proceedings, even though they have seemingly stopped. New Jersey Supreme Court put a freeze on all foreclosures for about 8 months, but it lifted last Aug/Sept - yet I haven't received any further notice on it.


I just want out, with the least amount of damage to my credit and I've been trying to do the right thing, but it seems like they just LOVE letting me live here for free on their dime. BOA has been making my tax payments. Does anybody recommend writing a letter to Chase? What can I do here to make these sales happen. Since June 2010, there have only been 6 weeks of my NOT having it under contract... the property is awesome! It's just not worth what it once was.




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  • Thanks, I''m going to suggest that my realtor talk to buyer about pitching in the other $3000 and I'll let you know how it goes.

  • I had one with the exact same lenders. The second was sold to a collection agency and it was them that made life miserable.  Have you considered pitching in the other $3,000 to the second? Not sure if B of A would love it, but then again maybe your buyer would be able to contribute the extra $3,000 to the second t.d. That B of A is making the tax payments and paying the HOA dues-is amazing and you are beyond lucky. B of A WILL foreclose I believe it unable to resolve the second. Know this and make yourself aware I doubt if they've rescinded a notice of trustees sale if one was posted. I'm thinking a short sale might be better than a foreclosure, regarding your credit. Check it out.

  • Your credit is already F upped  

     just keep living for free and save money as long as you can , screw B of A and Chase


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