Hello everyone,

 My name is Greg and I'm currently new to the short sale investing strategy and I wanted to get some information on what are the typical documents needed in a short sale package for the seller to submit to the lender?

Also, can anyone give me good advice on the best strategies to get the BPO appraisal to come in as low as possible to work more in my favor to negotiate price with lender?




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  • It doesn't really matter, as you're not going to be involved in that part of the process. The lender will require the seller to have an agent, and place the property on the MLS. Are you trying to wholesale?
    • Wayne,

       Yes, I would like to use this in my wholesale business. Looking to get a better understanding of the process.


      • Gregory, you should stay away from short sales for two reasons:
        1) Lenders are looking for something near FMV, and they know what they're doing.
        2) No homeowner in foreclosure needs you tying up their property for more than 90 days, just to have you walk when you can't flip it, and they're now just 90 days closer to foreclosure. I've Never let a wholesaler tie up a short sale, and I can spot you a mile away.
  • Greg,

          Feel free to shoot me an email to schedule a time to speak or call me anytime.




    • Thanks Brett,

       I will definitely give you a call to discuss the process of short sale investing.


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