HUD approval HELP

We have sceduled a Wells Fargo short sale closing for Thursday 04/12/12. The HUD was submitted last week on EQUATOR as requested. We have no response and a message to the negotiator bounced back saying her email box was full. Whay can be done?  Thanks in advance!

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  • CALL 866-903-1053 and specifically ask for your negotiator's supervisor.  Also request an escalation to have the final HUD1 approved.  Good luck!


  • In Equator, there should be an option to email a supervisor, VP, etc.  Start there and make sure it's URGENT.

  • You can have the agent or negotiator on the file request a supervisor...

    • We sent the negotiator a message and the message bounced back saying that her email was full.

      • Call the general Wells Fargo short sale number. Ask the phone rep for the supervisor's contact info

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