HSBC Shortsale timeline

HSBC Shortsale home is in Miami, Fl

HSBC owns the loan. There were two BPO's done last week. We feel we are getting close. Do you guys how much longer before we an answer.

I been reading the forum and it looks like HSBC works well what is your experience?

Thank you.

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  • Jorge,

               If HSBC is the investor that mean they are delegated to approve the transaction which is often speeds up the final review since the file does not have to be submitted to an outside investor. Once the BPO values return the negotiator will check to see if the offer that is under review is in line with the values recently obtained. Based off this they may or may not counter. If all figures are inline with the investors guidelines and all I's are dotted and T's are crossed on the short sale package the file should be submitted for approval review. It's hard to say how much longer things will take as all transactions vary based on numerous factors. You should have a great idea where you stand once the values return to the lender.

    Hope this helps.


    • Thank you!. It has only been a month but we are dying to move into the new house.

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