How to escalate a Nationstar Issue

Nationstar has given me an approval verbally (via equator).  They requested an updated HUD AND second bank approval.  The second bank will not give an approval based on an offer that the first has not approved.  I'm at a standoff.  How can I escalate within Nationstar to realize what they are asking for doesn't make sense. can you expect bank 2 to approve an offer that you haven't signed off on?  Ridiculous...  Any help is appreciated.

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  • Sounds like Nationstar has approved it, based on the HUD you submitted, subject to 2nd mtg approval. Send that HUD along with a screen shot of the Equator message to the 2nd.
  • Hey Tom,

    You are correct. And, yes it doesn't make any sense at all.  For example, my 2nd is with Chase - got approval for $6k, then sent it to Nationstar only for Nationstar to counter.  Then had to get another approval from Chase etc.  Who's your 2nd?

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