I had a client ask me how his credit report would differ if the bank accepted a short sale as payment in full or if they went after a deficiency judgement. If they go after a deficiency judgement does the balance just show as a outstanding loan? Has anyone come across this? Thanks for the help!

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    • Thank you Patti for taking the time to share.

    • Great Data on the links Patti!!  Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks..good links.

  • xx

  • I recently closed a short sale with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 1st & Wells Fargo Home Equity Solutions 2nd where the owners had no hardship, were never late on payments. They had started with scores in the mid 700's, the wife's went down to 620, we did a rapid rescore & they're both in around 720 right now.

    They're now approved for an FHA loan w/ 3.5% down & we're house hunting!
    • Please explain rapid rescore!

    • Emily,

      Thank you for your info.  Were the loans  refinanced?  Did they have to contribute to either the 1st or 2nd-Heloc.?  Was there a deficiency judgement?  What state of this in?  

      We have refinanced with a 1st & 2nd and are way under water.  

      Thank you,


  • I read last weekend an excellent paper by Brent T White: Underwater and not walking away: shame, fear and social management of the housing crises. You can check on:
    I believe that there is a growing "walk away" moviment and we will see more and more people walking away from their homes. Did you see today on Nightly News? The paper has to do with the whole credit score thing.... very interesting.
  • James:

    You definitely want to check the credit report 30 to 60 days after COE to make sure that reporting is as it should be per the approval letter. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA) allows you to dispute those accounts and have those erroneous items removed from credit.
    I am in the process of doing this for a client.
    Just as an FYI, my clients score went down from 780 to 600 after the short sale.
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