I have been working on a BofA HAFA Short Sale for the last 10 months.  BofA (as many of you are probably aware) outsources their HAFA Short Sales to AMS.  They have mishandled the file from the very start.  We got a HAFA approval letter w/ a required listing price of $189k which was WAY too high.  I submitted a valuation dispute on 6/08 and they sat on it until 8/02 (all the while the SSA expiration date of 7/29) came and went.  So on 8/02 I finally talked to Negotiator that reconfigured the list price for me at $170k, and told me that she would send in an SSA extension request.  I have since tried to get her on the phone with no success and am now I am being told that because the SSA expired there is nothing they can do for me, our only options are a DIL or a BofA Short Sale.  (Which are not options in my book).  Does anyone know of a way to file a complaint w/ HAFA or something to do to escalate this file?

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  • I am in a similar situation in that my file was showing that it was in "valuation" in Equator..when I followed up because it seemed it had just been sitting --AMS told me that they had not been working the file because the HAFA SS Agreement had expired.  Why don't they remind us or automatically apply for an extension - especially when all the documents and an offer are in place??  Does anyone have any suggestions or know who I can contact.  I tried calling the federal govt "hotline" on the homeaffordable website --what a joke --the guy knew nothing!
  • Contact BOA executives and see if he can assist you.  I had a similar problem with LRC (Loan Resolution Corp)  I contacted Patrick and LRC's COO and they've escalated the file and are working on it now.  If you email me directly I'll give you his contact info.  I don't want to post it on here.  Thank you, Sheli   shelistoddart@yahoo.com
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