The first is JP Morgan Chase they have approved a 6,000 payout.
The second PNC bank wants 10,000
The buyer is willing to raise the price to cover the 4,000.
Chase says HAFA rules don't allow more than 6,000. total
Any suggestions would be apprciated
Do not let the buyer raise the price. It will not have anything to do with covering the $4,000. What Chase says is compliant with HAFA. So, you have $4,000 to come up with in some way. Choices, cash from buyer, seller, agents. However, HAFA will not allow anything to be shown from the seller in the columns. After figuring where the money is coming from, the best way to handle it is to list to the side $4,000 POC to PNC. Do not put it in the figures on the HUD where the numbers are listed. Attorney's offices that have had short sale training, understand that way of listing it.
You are lucky the numbers are small relatively speaking. This happens all the time.
Hope it works out!
Good luck.