HAFA guidelines feb 1 2015

Admittedly, I haven't done a short sale in about a year now.  It used to be 40% of my business, but I now have 2 coming up in the same week.  I heard there are changes taking effect Feb 1, 2015 regarding the relocation incentive.  Supposedly, this will go from $3000 to $10,000.  Can anyone confirm this because I don't see anything about this on the HAFA website??  I need to know the eligibility requirements and rules.

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  • Thank you everyone for you comments....Yes, it does indeed exist.  However, only for Fannie Mae since Freddie no longer does HAFA.  Something I didn't know because I was out of the short sale realm for a couple of years.  Thanks again.

  • I'm sure you have your answer by now. But just in case not, I just had my first closing, with these new rules, on Friday and the seller received the full $10,000. 

  • Under these new HAFA guidelines, does anyone know if the seller qualifies for the HAFA incentive if they vacated the property less than a year ago? 

    Chase is also implementing these new guidelines; $12,000 max to 2nd lien holder and $10,000 incentive to homeowner.  Just received this news from them today. Thank you!

  • Yes, it's true. I was told by Wells Fargo on 1/16 to change HAFA on one of my hud's to $10,000 because it will close after 2/1/15.

    • Does the borrower need to be late on her payments to qualify.  She's using savings to make her payments.  She lost her husband in Dec and she doesn't have any equity in the home.

  • Of course this comes off the MNAP by the investor so how is anyone seeing a buyer's offer come in high enough to justify the extra $10k towards the sellers?  Anyone?  Would love to know.



    • Seller may need to contribute incentive towards the 1st Lien's NET if necessary to boost NET above the minimum NET per guidelines.

      • correct. that's an option but if it's needed the value is probably wrong.
  • Yes, banks are now implementing this. We had a few negotiators request that we change the HAFA incentive to $10,000 on the Est. HUD for review since the files are being submitted for approval and will be closing post Feb 1st 2015. 2nd Liens will also be awarded $12,000 max instead of $8,500.

    Let me know if you need anything at all and best regards,




    • Thank you....is there a news release that you can reference so I can show it to my sellers??

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