We are dealing with a "closing supervisor" at GreenTree, Gerod Smith.  We have short sale approval which was approved 8/5/14 with a closing deadline of 8/19/14.  Mr. Smith would not issue an extension past 8/28/14 without "valid reasoning."  The Buyer is obtaining an FHA loan.  Result at this point?  His response:  "This is denied!  Please cease with e-mls . . . Please call closer". Mr. Smith is unpleasant.  The closer is pleasant and is looking into trying to help, but we are not to contact Mr. Smith any longer.  I am guessing that this is because he will not help but hinder. 


Gerod Smith has the same MO on another file in our office whereas the Buyer is obtaining a USDA loan.  The Buyer's lender will not submit the loan to USDA (due to forward to USDA today) without the extension, which is typical.  Gerod Smith has canceled the file.  Approval was good until tomorrow, 8/22/14.  The extension would need to be dated beyond the end of the month.  The "word on the street" is that USDA is taking about 2 to 3 weeks.


What can we do when we have closers that close files instead of extending beyond the end of a month?  I am not sure what, if any, quotas they may have, but we only have so much control over how long it takes the Buyer's lender to process a loan.


As short sale facilitators in a real estate law firm, we have begun processing our own files(rather than handing them off to a processor within our office) once approved in order to spend more time and communication with the new Buyer's lender in hopes of keeping the file on top of their desk (and, because of our familiarity with the file).  But, we cannot do much about a government process.


Now, we have our fair share of FHA loans that are denied in the end,  in which a short sale lender/servicer provided us with an extension along the way.  This is not something that we can avoid and, believe me, we certainly do not enjoy asking for extensions and try everything possible to steer clear of extensions.


Any advice or experience with this individual at GreenTree?


Thank you!



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